Top 4 KPIs for your solo practice/small firm to track


With all the technology surrounding data and data analysis, tracking key performance metrics has become a bit of a sport. This article discusses the top four KPIs that will help you evaluate and evolve your small firm for success.

How to convert PDF into another document type

Blank PDF page flips into an image

While most of us are familiar with the process of converting a Word document to a PDF, especially as most courts now require that all eFilings be made in this non-editable format, many remain in the dark with respect to other conversions you can accomplish.

6 Reasons that new firm didn’t hire you 

bad job interview

Law firms are competitive places. Even for the most qualified among us, there can be endless hurdles. Consider these six tips on what not to do when interviewing with a new firm.

How to “quick check” your PDF before eFiling

Bearded man checking his court-friendly PDF document and laptop with pencil in hand

Given the prevalence of eFiling, firms are required to be nearly perfect when submitting their documents to a court. We’ve compiled a last-minute “quick check” to help ensure your next filing is a successful one!

How to make your law firm a job seeker’s dream

Positive work environment law office

For decades, law firms have notoriously touted “work-life balance” as a selling point. Everyone says it yet we all know it’s often untrue. We’ve compiled some top tips for creating and fostering a positive work environment.

Law firm faux pas to avoid now

woman peeking over desk

What are some of the top faux pas legal professionals make in the workplace? And how can employees avoid missteps around the law firm?

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