Answers to top eFiling and eService questions from the webinar

Catch answers to questions on eFiling and eService in California after our recent webinar.
Key eService details in the age of Emergency Rule 12

How does eService compare to traditional service of process? Does Emergency Rule 12 factor in? What are the differences between electronic and physical service?
The benefits of eService: go beyond email

California court rules define eService as “service of a document, on a party or other person, by electronic transmission or electronic notification.” Pretty straightforward: the other parties receive digital documents rather than physical ones. Most states and counties that have implemented electronic court filing for legal documents, like Illinois, Indiana, and Texas, also have rules […]
Preparing for eFiling and eService: essential office tech

eFiling and eService are rapidly replacing the old way of doing things in local courts across the U.S. In Texas, for instance, almost every one of the state’s 260 local courts will soon require electronic filing (and therefore also eService) and in California, more and more courts are moving online every month. To ensure that […]
[New ebook] How to produce a court-friendly PDF

With more and more courts requiring that court documents to be filed electronically, most papers are being created, delivered, and read as PDFs. In order to aid the management and readability of electronic documents, the courts have put in place several rules and requirements for the formatting and structure of PDF filings. If you’re filing […]
[New ebook] Are you prepared for eFiling at a court near you?

The fact is that eFiling is rapidly becoming a reality in state courts through the US, including California’s superior courts. Right now in California, eFiling is available in 15 courts but during 2017 it’s very likely that more than half of all of the state’s county-level courts, including massive cities like Los Angeles, will have […]
What you need to know about eService in California superior courts
Have you ever wanted to eServe your documents but worried that you might not be doing it correctly? eService can be much more efficient and save you time and money, but it is imperative that you comply with the California Rules of Court. Many people don’t know that you can actually eServe documents in all […]
5 San Diego civil eFiling requirements you need to know
San Diego County Superior Court has revised its Civil eFiling requirements. All requirements are effective as of June 30, 2014. Here are five updates that you should be aware of: #1 North County Division is open for eFiling for non-mandated civil cases if the case has been first initiated on or after June 2014 or if […]
San Diego Superior Court announces eFiling in north county division

On May 20, 2014, San Diego Superior Court announced that effective June 30, 2014 it will initiate eFiling in its North County Civil Division. Documents may be filed electronically in North County Civil cases where either: (1) the case is first initiated on or after June 30, 2014; or (2) the case is already pending as […]