3 ideas for exercising creativity in your law firm


If you had to use one word to describe legal professionals, it probably wouldn’t be “creative.” Indeed, law schools and paralegal programs intentionally teach us to think methodically. Every problem can be solved using good old IRAC – Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion. We rely on precedent to persuade judges and, in fact, are often chastised […]

Coming soon! First virtual conference for legal support professionals


The One Legal team is excited to announce the first ever virtual conference for legal support professionals! This online event will take place next month, March 20-23, 2018. We’re working hard to put the finishing touches on four days’ worth of presentations that are geared just for you: paralegals, legal secretaries, legal assistants, and other […]

12 end-of-year and holiday traditions for your law firm

holiday traditions

Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings to you! We are deep in the excitement of the holidays now, with all the music, friend and family gatherings, and gratitude and yuletide cheer.   Need some ideas for inspiring the office? Here are 12 holiday traditions for your law firm to start or continue this year. [textblock style=”1″]Stay happy […]

Maximizing your lunch hour: tips for busy legal professionals


Is the cycle of waking, working, sleeping starting to get to you? Do you struggle to keep up with all of your interests and errands each week while also giving yourself room to breathe? Don’t despair. You have an important tool that can be used to leverage your time and enable you to do more […]

Making the most of your Labor Day: 13 unique ideas

time in the sand

Happy Labor Day! The first Labor Day celebration was held on September 5, 1882, by the Central Labor Union in New York City. And the United States has celebrated the holiday each year since to recognize the work that has been done by those fighting for fair labor practices. Acknowledge the freedoms you have as […]

Hack your commute: a guide for legal professionals 

Cars driving in CA

Time spent commuting has increased significantly for Americans over the past few years, with more and more people spending long periods of time in their cars and on public transportation traveling back and forth from work. More than 36% of Americans commute between 20-44 minutes each way to get to work, while 17% of workers commute 45 minutes […]

25 Twitter accounts all legal professionals should be following [updated]

top legal professionals twitter

Originally published August 28, 2015. Updated October 4, 2016. This time last year we published a list of the top 25 legal professionals to follow on Twitter. The post got a great response from people out there looking for experts and insiders to help them navigate the web and to point them in the direction […]

7 TED Talks all legal professionals should watch

Legal professionals – Paralegals, Legal Secretaries, and Attorneys – often get information and educational material from the same sources: legal websites, magazines, and professional organizations. That’s great, but it can end up being a little stale. There’s a risk that, if we’re all reading, listening, and watching the same material, then we’ll end up in […]

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