11 most Googled questions about eFiling in Indiana 

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It’s been a year and a half since the first court began eFiling in Indiana, and ever since Hamilton County lead the way, the rest of the 91 counties have been following closely after. Here’s your up-to-date list of the Indiana counties where you can electronically file court documents.

Still, there remain some lingering questions for law firms and sole practitioners across the state, as they learn the ins and outs of electronic court filing. We’ve gathered up the questions that get asked the most, to try to make the eFiling process a smooth one.

#1 How can I eFile court documents in Indiana?

By establishing statewide standards for electronic court filing, Indiana has made it a straightforward process to eFile documents in your court through an electronic service provider (EFSP). To get started eFiling with One Legal in your Indiana court, create an account, and begin submitting your documents.

#2 Can I eFile documents for existing cases?

Once eFiling is available in your county, both initial and subsequent case filings are possible. And in the case of upcoming transitions, the effective mandatory dates will also apply to initial and subsequent case filings.

#3 Do I have to eFile in Indiana?

By 2018, every Indiana court will have mandatory eFiling. For now, each court is introducing the process with a short introductory period first. Find your court on this schedule of planned eFiling implementation.

#4 When will my Indiana court permit eFiling?

If you are located in one of the Indiana counties that has yet to implement eFiling, you won’t have to wait for long. Over the last half of 2017, all Indiana courts will transition to eFiling, and in early 2018 the entire state will have mandatory electronic court filing.

#5 How do I eFile in Indiana’s appellate courts?

Since guidelines can be different in appellate courts compared to the trial courts, there is a section of Indiana’s guide that addresses specific requirements that must be met when filing at that level. Most details, however, are the same, with the possible section of choosing the correct filing code. Take a complete look at the rules for Indiana’s appellate courts.

#6 How do I know when my document is accepted after eFiling?

One Legal’s eFiling system sends users a notification almost instantly to confirm that the court’s system has received your document and again once the document has been processed. By tracking your order for real-time updates, you can even see when it is being viewed by the county clerks.

#7 Why did my document get rejected?

There are many reasons for a document to get rejected, from formatting issues to incorrect filing code to missing information. The court should have given a reason for rejecting your document, and you can note their requirements and learn more about the top reasons that courts may reject eFiled documents to avoid rejections in the future.

Want us to take another look? Our Double Check feature tasks one of our document specialists with examining your document to look for reasons why it might not comply to the court rules. If we see anything, we’ll call you right away to discuss your options.

#8 Can I eFile confidential documents?

When eFiling in Indiana, the state has a special guide that explains exactly how to file confidential documents, and when to include a Notice of Exclusion. For documents that contain confidential information but are not themselves confidential, be sure to remove metadata and redact identification numbers.

#9 What if my documents exceed the MB limit?

There are several ways that you can try reducing the size of your PDFs, first, to fit the entire file into a single envelope without exceeding 35 MBs. But if your documents are lengthy, then you’ll need to submit separate filings in a series of ‘volumes’, each of which should have its own cover page.

#10 Do Indiana courts require a hard copy in addition to an electronic copy?

As a rule, any documents that have been electronically filed in Indiana courts do not need any hard copies to accompany them. Check specifically in regards to your specific document, as there may be exceptions.

#11 What about video or audio?

Currently, video and audio recordings cannot be eFiled and must be submitted to the clerk separately in physical formats, such as CD, DVD, or flash drive. This can be done at the same time as transcripts and documentary exhibits are delivered.

One Legal has been at the forefront of electronic court filing in California since the very beginning and is still a part of many transitions across counties. We’ve come across just about every question regarding eFiling that you can think of—and have the answers to each!


Have other questions about eFiling in Indiana? Contact us for more information.

Indiana checklist

One Legal: Delightfully easy eFiling

Manage all your California and Nevada court filing from a single platform. Receive status updates and court-returned documents online while we handle all the logistics of getting your documents filed. Find out more about eFiling with One Legal now.
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