July 31, 2020: weekly court updates

empty courtroom
This week: Judicial Council budget announcements, LASC requires hearing dates for Civil Motions, and courts dismiss jury services and suspend jury trials.

What’s changing in the world of California courts? We’ve reviewed all 58 superior court websites looking for important updates and have gathered them here for your information.

For a full list of all California courts and more information about their known status, visit our California courts updates page on the Support Center.

Please note: All resources shared by One Legal are intended as high-level summaries only. For a full picture of each court’s response to the challenges of COVID-19, please visit the individual court website.

Judicial Council updates

The Judicial Council shared reports on trial court budget allocations for the Fiscal Year 2020-21.

Court updates this week

More often than not, updates posted to the court’s website involve specific process changes for single departments or divisions.

However as coronavirus cases in California grow, some courts are re-implementing court holidays and extending other time period guidelines.

Kern County

A reminder that Kern County Probate cases must be electronically filed as of August 3, 2020. Exempt documents include Original Wills/Codicils, Bonds, Letters related to Probate, Guardianship and Conservatorship, and Affidavits re Real Property of Small Value.

Read more>>

Los Angeles County

Effective July 27, 2020, hearing dates are required for filing Civil Motions in Los Angeles Superior Court. Filers must use the now operational Courtroom Reservation System (CRS) to reserve a hearing date prior to filing the Motion.

Read the release>>

Merced County

The Court issued a General Order announcing that judicial officers could hold sessions anywhere in the county from August 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, inclusive. The Order also extended the time period provided to hold a criminal trial by not more than 30 additional days.

Read the General Order>>

Mono County

The Court has released its Grand Jury Report for 2019-2020.

Read the report>>

Napa County

The Court expanded its use of remote appearances in court appearances, as per a release from July 24th. Starting the week of July 27th, remote appearances will be mandatory in several calendars.

Read the news release>>

Placer County

Jury trials will not be held between August 3 and August 28, 2020, and many other hearings and conferences will be postponed.

Read the public notice>>

On July 29th, the Court updated its court operations plan in response to COVID-19, including the continued mandate of eDelivery for filings and requirements for telephonic appearances.

View the infographic>>

In a July 29th General Order, the Court announced continuance of some misdemeanor hearings and traffic trials and clarified assignments for other trial assignments and other hearings.

Read the Order>>

The Family Law Court updated a plan on July 29 that included a phased schedule for resumption of services.

Read the plan>>

Riverside County

The Court has ordered that in cases in which the original statutory deadline otherwise would expire from 8/3/2020 to 9/30/2020, inclusive, any judge may extend the time period provided to hold a criminal trial.

Read the Order>>

Sacramento County

The Court has updated its information on access to court operations, confirming that filing counters and clerk’s offices remained closed, “in-person” hearings are limited, and more.

Read the public notice>>

San Diego County

Until further notice, the Court has suspended Local Rule 2.5.8, regarding limited civil hearings, and directed parties to visit the court’s COVID-19 page for the process by which remote appearances will be conducted. The rule was also suspended for settlement conferences and informal discovery conferences.

Read the Order>>

Jury services are dismissed through August 14, 2020.

Read the release>>

San Mateo County

All jury trials are suspended until August 17, 2020.

Read the Order>>

Santa Barbara County

An amended order outlined access to courthouses and court proceedings.

Read the Order>>

Sonoma County

In a July 29th order, the Court announced that it may hold sessions anywhere in the county through September 30, 2020 and that any judge may extend deadlines for the holding of criminal trials. The order also stated that criminal trials in which the statutory deadline would otherwise expire from August 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020, inclusive, are continued for 30 days.

Read the Order>>

Ventura County

To mitigate the impact of employee furlough days on court operations, the Court announced that the majority of courtrooms and all clerk’s offices will be closed on specific days for 2020-2021.

Read the public notice>>

On July 28th, the Court updated its COVID-19 related public health safety measures.

Read the guidelines>>


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