Contract paralegal work: Tips and advice
Discover tips for starting a successful contract paralegal career, navigating complexities, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Should you become a freelance paralegal?
Being a freelance paralegal involves much more than just being a paralegal. Here are some of the pros and the cons to consider.
In-house lawyer or paralegal vs. working for a law firm: What’s the difference?
Many businesses, especially in today’s economy, find that the expenses involved in hiring outside counsel are too unpredictable and too high. Here are some of the main differences to consider if you’re thinking about going in-house.
17 non-legal jobs for lawyers to consider pursuing
While the traditional path appeals to many lawyers, there’s a world of possibilities for those seeking non-legal jobs for themselves.
What are the most important skills paralegals must have?
What are the most important paralegal skills a legal professional today must have? In a competitive market, it’s absolutely vital to understand what you need.
9 ways to improve your deposition strategy
Master your deposition strategy phase of case management with these tips to keep you solution-focused as you seek the best outcome.
10 tips on how to read and summarize a case effectively
Every individual undoubtedly finds their own method for best understanding cases. We’ve assembled a list of the top 10 things legal professionals can do to maximize their efforts when faced with this important task.
8 lawyer traits to look for when deciding to work with an attorney
Knowing what to look for in a lawyer is crucial. Here are eight traits that every paralegal should look for when deciding to work with an attorney in order to create a successful and solid working relationship.
5 qualities of a lawyer that make them stand out
Learn the unique qualities of a lawyer, from mastering key skills to building strong relationships, and how to stand out and succeed.
Notary publics: What they are and debunking myths about what they can do
Despite the important services that notaries perform, many people do not have a clear understanding of exactly what they do.
How your values as a lawyer enhance your legal career
Aligning the core values of a lawyer with our day-to-day lives is one way to pursue a career in the legal profession with a sense of honesty, integrity, and pride.
11 key components of a paralegal services agreement
Protect yourself and your company by ensuring that your working relationships involve a solid paralegal services agreement.
What is a legal brief and how do you write one?
Use this simple guide and learn about how to effectively construct a legal brief with actionable methods from an attorney with decades of experience.
The lawyer’s guide on how to build a solid book of business
Discover from a seasoned attorney what you need to do to successfully develop a great book of business to keep that bottom line healthy.
What is the role of a business litigation lawyer?
Learn about the role of a business litigation lawyer and how representing an entity requires greater attention to broader strategic goals like compliance and public relations.
What makes a good lawyer today?
What makes a good lawyer today concerns the intersection of several varied skills, such as ethical integrity and technological competence.