How to add bookmarks to a PDF (Acrobat, Word, MacOS, and more)

How To Add Bookmarks To A Pdf

Need to know how to add a bookmark to a PDF? Look no further. If you’re eFiling documents at court, whether in California, Texas, or elsewhere, it’s best practice to add electronic bookmarks so that the document is as easy to navigate as possible on a computer screen. Whether you’re a seasoned lawyer needing to […]

Pro bono lawyers: What to know

Pro Bono Lawyers What To Know

For pro bono lawyers, it’s important to fully understand the ins and outs of pro bono work before undertaking an assignment.

How to write a legal memorandum

How To Write A Legal Memorandum

Knowing how to properly write a detailed and comprehensive legal memorandum is a crucial skill for lawyers to have. Learn how to master the art with this article.

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