
The One Legal Blog

Cultivated content for legal professionals, the One Legal blog is a central resource for legal support matters, productivity tips, legal technology news, and more.
Tips For Reading Summarizing Cases
Professional growth

10 tips on how to read and summarize a case effectively

Every individual undoubtedly finds their own method for best understanding cases. We’ve assembled a list of the top 10 things legal professionals can do to maximize their efforts when faced with this important task.

5 Tips Increase Income Paralegal
Professional growth

5 tips to increase your income as a paralegal

How much do paralegals get paid and how can they improve their salary? Use these tips for paralegals on how to increase your income by becoming more marketable to law firms.

Setting Up Operating Virtual Law Firm

How to set up and operate a virtual law firm

Understanding how to prepare and knowing what you need to become a successful virtual law firm operation can be tricky. Learn what technology you need and what you should bear in mind.

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