10 more podcasts for legal professionals to start the new decade

Podcasts for legal professionals 2020
Since more than 36% of Americans commute between 20 to 44 minutes each way for work, we thought the new decade would be the perfect time to introduce a new list of podcasts that will not only make your downtime more interesting but add to your legal insight.

A few years ago, we presented an article on 10 legal podcasts that will improve your commute. Since that time, podcasts have only continued to proliferate and gain popularity. And, since more than 36% of Americans commute between 20 to 44 minutes each way for work, we thought the new decade would be the perfect time to introduce a new list of podcasts that will not only make your downtime more interesting but add to your legal insight.

Here are our favorite podcasts heading into the New Year:

#1: Stay tuned with Preet

Preet Bharara spent eight years as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) before he was let go by President Trump in 2017. Anyone who stays on top of developments in criminal law knows that the SDNY is one of the most active and innovative prosecutorial forces in the United States. During his reign at the helm of that office, Bharara became known as one of the “most aggressive and outspoken prosecutors of public corruption and Wall Street crime.”

Today, Bharara offers a weekly podcast called Stay Tuned. In it, he presents some of the most fascinating minds impacting the legal world today. From interviews with former acting U.S. Attorney Sally Yates to hard-hitting episodes on the recent assertions of executive privilege, Bharara’s podcast never disappoints those who clamor for inside knowledge of the day’s most pressing legal issues.

#2: The Oath with Chuck Rosenberg

Like Bharara, Chuck Rosenberg had a long and storied career with the Justice Department — in Rosenberg’s case, serving stints as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia and the Southern District of Texas. He also served as top administrator for the Drug Enforcement Administration and describes himself as a committed public servant.

Perhaps not surprisingly, then, Rosenberg’s podcast, The Oath, focuses on interviews with other individuals (mostly lawyers) who spent their careers in public service. Replete with uncompromising war stories, The Oath also delves into the personal lives that led each guest to choose public service over private practice. It’s a must-listen for any civil attorney who wonders “what if” they’d taken another path in the law.

#3: The Paralegal Voice

The Paralegal Voice, co-hosted by Vicki Voison and Lynne DeVenny, is a monthly podcast that centers on issues and trends that influence the daily lives of the paralegal community. Topics range from light-hearted, “first-timer” reviews of NALA conferences, to important updates on ethical issues that impact paralegals and legal assistants.

The podcast is especially useful for those who find themselves as the sole paralegal in a smaller practice, as it connects you to other professionals experiencing the same “trials” and tribulations.

#4: Legal Toolkit

If your law firm has put you in charge of … well, anything … Legal Toolkit may be the podcast for you. The monthly show is focused on law practice management issues. Recent topics have included such important issues as data literacy and law firm marketing. Best of all, the shows have appeal to firms of all sizes. So, even if this month’s episode doesn’t speak to you directly, stay tuned for the next one.

#5: Sword and Scale

For those of you who like to spend your off-time delving into the more bizarre and macabre aspects of life (who are we to judge?), Sword and Scale will likely suit your fancy. The show looks at some of the strange and horrific happenings in our society, then tracks them as they wind their way through the U.S. justice system.

#6: Un-Billable Hour

The name of this podcast alone probably sends flocks of legal professionals to the airwaves. In this show, host and lawyer Christopher Anderson discusses law office management — with an emphasis on all those nagging things lawyers have to do, but can’t bill for (like marketing, time management, and client relationships). This is another great podcast for those in a solo career, as Anderson can serve as a wise mentor to help grow your practice.

#7: New Solo

If you’ve ever worked in a large law firm or public legal department, you’ve probably spent a fair number of hours dreaming about starting your own solo practice. If so, the New Solo podcast is for you. In it, practice consultant and legal technology coach Adriana Linares ushers attorneys into the world of the sole practitioner. From networking, to technology, to rainmaking, Ms. Linares discusses it all, with a special eye toward those who are transitioning from a larger firm.

#8: The Citizen’s Guide to the Supreme Court

Hosted by two self-described “attorneys who hate being attorneys,” The Citizen’s Guide to the Supreme Court is a weekly podcast that seeks to make Supreme Court jurisprudence more digestible to the average person. This is a great podcast for anyone, but especially useful for non-lawyer legal professionals who want to stay abreast of the latest developments without having to wade through all the legal jargon.

#9: The Gen Why Lawyer

While regular broadcasts of this show came to a close in late 2019, the archives still present a plethora of material relevant to today’s younger lawyers. Not only that, but you older lawyers can give a listen to try to understand those new recruits your firm just brought in.

#10: The Happy Lawyer Project

This podcast could probably be billed as a program “for lawyers and those who love them.” After all, who doesn’t want the lawyer in their life to be happy? In reality, this podcast aims to show the world that there are actually ways to be happy, healthy, and gainfully employed in the legal profession. Topics range from money management to finding joy and everything in between. I guess we can’t find a good reason not to listen to this one.

What’s your favorite legal podcast? We’d love to hear about them in the comments section, below.

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