10 legal tech fails that could happen to any firm

Want to stay out of the news for negative reasons? Here are 10 common legal tech fails and how to avoid them at your firm.
LA reveals top rejection reasons for Civil case types

Rejection. After all the hard work you’ve put into preparing and submitting your eFiling document to Los Angeles Civil, the worst can still happen. If it isn’t completely and correctly prepared for filing within state and local guidelines, a court clerk will reject it. If that occurs, you wouldn’t be alone. But as an eFiler […]
Top 10 myths about eFiling and eService: Part 2

Part 2 of the series dispelling frequent myths about eFiling and eService. Maximize your court filing practices with the facts behind the misconceptions.
Top 10 myths about eFiling and eService: Part 1

Who rejects your documents? Do judges still print? When will conformed copies get returned? Let’s demystify these myths about eFiling and eService.
LA reveals top eFiling rejection reasons for probate

Congratulations, LA eFilers! You made it to the 90-day mark of filing documents electronically with the Probate courts in Los Angeles County. During these last few months, we know that there have probably been growing pains, as electronic filing requirements changed the way you created documents and filed them with the court. Now, administrators at […]
The top reasons court filings get rejected (and how you can avoid them)

Here at One Legal, we know a bit about getting court documents filed accurately and on time. That means we also have the inside scoop on how to avoid rejected court filings. In 2015, we filed over 600,000 documents in electronic filing courts (like Orange County, San Diego, and San Francisco) and in courts that […]