Recent tech mistakes in law firms—and learning from them

office errors

While modern technology has certainly made life easier for legal professionals, it has also created a whole host of problems. Emails, instant messaging, social media, and web-based time-trackers are undeniably convenient. Each, however, carries a risk for costly tech mistakes in law firms. These risks undoubtedly exist in any office environment, but law offices are […]

What legal professionals need to know about eFiling

people around a table

Has electronic court filing begun in your county yet? Federal Courts have long since mandated eFiling and state courts have slowly joined the march toward digital progress. Some states, like Indiana and Illinois, have implemented a statewide system for eFiling, while others, like California, are leaving it up to the individual counties to gradually choose their own approach.   […]

Tips for implementing new technology at your law firm

woman presenting

Despite the benefits of a more tech-savvy firm, not everyone in the office may be gung-ho to learn the necessary skills and make the various changes. A large law firm may ask the IT staff to champion the conversion to the new technology, but at a smaller law firm, it may be an office administrator […]

How to create templates in Microsoft Word for legal documents

blank slates

In just about every role in a legal office, you’ll find yourself creating multiple documents for clients, cases, and financial purposes. Each type of document will often require the same format with headings, logos, font types, spacing, and more. Create templates and save for company-wide use to keep specific designs and stylings in place and […]

6 legal support skills to be proud of wherever you go

People cheering

As a paralegal or legal secretary, you have highly specialized experience in submitting court filings, managing case files, planning presentations for trial, and other tasks that usually happen only in a law firm or legal department. But working in legal support gives you skills beyond the day to day technical duties. In fact, the work […]

eFiling terms legal professionals should know [slideshow]

wood letter blocks

So you’re getting ready to electronically file court documents? Do you have the vocabulary you need to succeed? Check out the top eFiling terms that all legal professionals need to know. eFiling tech terms every legal professional should know, originally posted on Slideshare. What are some other new things you’ve learned since technology has begun to take on […]

Virtual meetings: The next big thing for your law firm?


According to a survey presented in 2014 at the London Business School’s Global Leadership Summit, more than half of the world’s workforce will operate remotely by 2020. How will law firms accommodate this change? Virtual meetings could be one part of the answer. In organizations where time is money — as true in law firms […]

Mobile workarounds: apps for legal professionals on the move

hands on a desk

From virtual offices and a telecommuting workforce to remote clients and faraway partners, our world is becoming ever more global. For the legal industry, additional tools can help legal support staff cope with a reality that requires you to be accessible even when you’re on the move. Last year, we shared the top apps and online […]

5 ways to maximize your law firm’s business email

Two computer monitors on a desk

According to the 2016 State of Marketing Research Report published by Salesforce Research, 80 percent of marketers consider email to be a core component to the success of their business. Nearly half said the use of email is directly connected to their main source of income. Now that you’ve set up a professional business email […]

Preparing for eFiling and eService: essential office tech

preparing for eFiling

eFiling and eService are rapidly replacing the old way of doing things in local courts across the U.S. In Texas, for instance, almost every one of the state’s 260 local courts will soon require electronic filing (and therefore also eService) and in California, more and more courts are moving online every month. To ensure that […]

Cyber security for the law firm: top blogs, books, and resources


There’s a lot of information out there about how to protect yourself against cybercrime. It’s of varying degrees of quality, however. Much of it is also only of partial relevance to the legal profession. In other words, getting to the information you need can be tough. That’s why we’ve written this concise list of the […]

5 legal trends to start preparing for in 2017

As we begin the new year’s first full week of work, it’s the perfect time to look ahead and review what’s in store for 2017. Okay, so it’s well known that technological advancement in the legal professions can sometimes be slow. Therefore, many of these trends have been in the works for years and perhaps […]

5 time-saving tools and services all law firms need to know about

Time saving tips for lawyers

Do your days feel like they’re whizzing past, leaving you with little more than a much longer to-do list? In busy, always-on-the-go professions like the law, it can often feel like there’s no let-up. However, there are legal professionals out there who have unlocked the secrets of productivity and time management. We all know them […]

5 steps to getting serious about law firm cyber security

law firm cyber security

Law firms have a clear duty of care with respect to the sensitive information they hold about their clients and the matters they’re working on. Last week, as part of our contribution to Cyber Security Awareness Month, we wrote about the seriousness of the cybercrime threat facing law firms. In particular, we noted that one […]

27 technology terms every legal professional should know

technology terms every legal professional should know

If you don’t know your EFMs from your EFSPs, talk of “the cloud” leaves you wondering if people are discussing the weather, or “phishing” seems like something one ought to do with a rod and reel then this post is for you! It’s true that technology can sometimes appear to be advancing so fast that […]

Small law firms and technology [infographic]

small law firms and technology

The legal profession, especially solo practitioners and small firms, have long been considered laggards in the implementation of technology — stubbornly sticking to paper-based methods and generally wary of change. However, there’s growing evidence that more and more small law firms are beginning to embrace technology. In particular, firms are reporting that — as the […]

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