12 end-of-year and holiday traditions for your law firm

holiday traditions

Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings to you! We are deep in the excitement of the holidays now, with all the music, friend and family gatherings, and gratitude and yuletide cheer.   Need some ideas for inspiring the office? Here are 12 holiday traditions for your law firm to start or continue this year. [textblock style=”1″]Stay happy […]

How to eServe in Illinois courts

notifications for eService

On July 1, 2017, Illinois enacted a plethora of revisions to the Supreme Court Rules. Among them were sweeping revisions to the procedures for effecting service of pleadings and other case documents.  As one of the state’s certified Electronic Filing Service Providers (EFSPs), we get a lot of questions about the new rules. Here are […]

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