California's #1 file and serve solution

The fastest, most convenient way to file and serve in California

How One Legal works for you

Computer monitor

Your all-in-one solution

File in every courthouse in California. eFiling, fast paper court filing, or filing exempt documents in an eFiling court: our workflow automatically provides the options you need for the court you choose.


Nationwide service of process

Reliable, speedy results from professional process servers with experience across all 50 states.

Customer support

Simple billing

A simple billing system that’s designed for law firms. We pay all fees up front; you receive one easy-to-reconcile invoice per order.

MacBook straight on - order status

Supporting products and unbeatable features

Add personal service to case initiations

Filing your summons and complaint? Just add personal service of process right within your filing order. We’ll also file your proof of service – all in one seamless transaction.

Easily add courtesy copy delivery

One Legal will get additional copies of your filing to any chambers in California—just add to your filing, or place a stand-alone order.

Unique workflow design

Created by legal professionals, for legal professionals, and combined with One Legal’s 29 years of court and eFiling experience.

Case-by-case view

Quickly connect to your active cases and view pertinent case information via the case portfolio.

Industry-leading support

Speak to an expert in minutes via phone or email, available beyond traditional business hours. Access online how-to articles, comprehensive training guides and intro videos, 24/7.

Legal professionals love One Legal

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30,000 legal professionals trust One Legal across California and nationwide.

Clear pricing. No hidden fees.

No contract. No risk. Only pay for the filings you place


Physical court filing

Hand-delivered documents for filing in paper-based California Superior courts


per filing

Additional cost for filings over 15 pages. Area surcharges may apply for some courts.


Electronic court filing

eFile and eServe documents in any California court with our easy-to-use court eFiling workflow.


per eFiling

All accounts qualify for simple billing—One Legal pays all fees upfront and provides a single invoice per order.


Service of process

Trust our network of vetted professionals to serve anywhere in the United States. Starting at:


per serve
Additional fees may apply if service address is in a remote area.



Formatting eFiling documents in California

What your state looks for in file size, formatting, metadata, and more.


How to prepare your law firm for eFiling

Is your legal support team ready to eFile in your county?

Electronic filing and service in California

Tune into a customized training for California eFiling.

Legal Up Virtual Conference

Register now to get actionable strategies and inspiration to level up your legal career.